Our ISO Journey – and the Consequences to our Operation

July 26, 2017 9:00am CST

The speaker will present the journey to seek ISO-level accreditation by a high complexity laboratory. He will illustrate the choices made and the lessons learned– taking what may be seemingly escalating costs and challenges, and turning them into solutions with much organizational and corporate benefit.

  • Illustrate how the challenge of a much higher quality system might challenge an organization to adapt to the new system.
  • Illustrate how some of the ISO level quality system actually precipitated considerable organizational efficiency and cost savings.
  • Provide a probable roadmap and innovative for other organizations to deploy in their own institutions.

Steven Olsen

Steven Olsen is Chief Operating Officer and Director of Anatomic Pathology at Molecular Pathology Laboratory and Geneuity Clinical Research Services. Steve Olsen has a Master’s Degree in Veterinary Microbiology and Public Health and over 25 years’ experience in operating hospital pathology practices and laboratory outreach efforts, hospital administration, specialty reference laboratories, and clinical trial support. In addition, he has been consulting in the realm of communication improvement, trust building, and change management for over 20 years.

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